This is a very nice little call to action...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conscur adisng elit, sed do eiusmod tempor iniunt ut labore et dolore mana.
This is a very nice little call to action...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conscur adisng elit, sed do eiusmod tempor iniunt ut labore et dolore mana.
This is a very nice little call to action...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conscur adisng elit, sed do eiusmod tempor iniunt ut labore et dolore mana.
This is a very nice little call to action...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conscur adisng elit, sed do eiusmod tempor iniunt ut labore et dolore mana.
[callout align="left|center|right" button_position="bottom" ...]
This is a very nice little call to action...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conscur adisng elit, sed do eiusmod tempor iniunt ut labore et dolore mana.
[callout add_shadow="yes" ...]
This is a very nice little call to action...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conscur adisng elit, sed do eiusmod tempor iniunt ut labore et dolore mana.
- 1.
Callout Box Shortcode
- 2.
- 3.
[callout add_shadow="no" link="#" link_target="_self" button_text="button text here..." button_color="primary" title="Title text..." description="Description here..." align="left" button_position="right"]
- 4.
link: [button link url]
- 5.
link_target: _self (default), _blank
- 6.
button_text: [button text goes here]
- 7.
button_color: primary (default), red, orange, yellow, green, coral, blue, purple, brown, black, dark, gray/grey... or use a hex color code like "#00A0BF"
- 8.
title: Title text...
- 9.
description: Description text...
- 10.
align: left (default), right, center [use "align" to set the text alignment of the "title" and "description"]
- 11.
button_position: right (default), left, bottom
- 12.
add_shadow: no (default), yes